Machine Learning
Data Engineering
Product Management
System Design
Cloud Technologies
Kubernetes & Containers

Full Stack Data Scientist
Machine Learning Engineer
The first two letters of Aishwarya's name are "AI" and AI (Artificial Intelligence) and Machine Learning are what he is passionate about. He is a full stack Senior Data Scientist who loves architecting and building end-to-end Machine Learning and AI products and solutions. Aishwarya possesses a strong foundation of skills and knowledge in AI, ML and Software Engineering. He is also an excellent communicator and loves sharing ideas through lectures, keynotes and blog posts. Aishwarya is a driven individual and a zealous team-player, with a growth mindset and positive attitude.
Email: aishwaryaprabhat@gmail.com

JUN 2021 - Present
Vice President, AI/ML
Building awesome Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning and MLOps products, services, solutions and infra for the world's best bank.
(Promoted from AVP to VP in March 2023)
AUG 2018 - MAY 2021
Senior Data Scientist
Building and maintaining a Machine Learning Platform for productionizing all of Shopee's Machine Learning workloads. Also worked on forecasting, image and text classification using state-of-the-art Deep Learning models
(Promoted from Data Scientist to Senior Data Scientist in July 2020)
JAN 2018 - AUG 2018
Research Associate
Worked on Natural Language Processing problems such as intent classification, by designing and implementing RNN, CNN and CapsuleNet-based models
JAN 2018 - AUG 2018
Undergraduate Researcher
Led a team of 7 for final year project (SUTD's Capstone Program) to develop a system for extracting human behavior from video datasets using Neural Network-based models
MAY 2017 - SEP 2017
A.I. R&D Intern
HP Inc.
Developed a CNN-based document classification model for HP's scanning technologies. File a patent invention disclosure for the model.
MAY 2016 - SEP 2016
R&D Engineering Intern
HP Inc.
Pioneered the development of a novel Augmented Reality-based Android application for troubleshooting printers. Devised a methodology for evaluating print quality and published results in a research paper.
AUG 2015 - SEP 2016
Undergraduate Researcher
SUTD-MIT International Design Centre
Led a team of 4 to develop a Virtual Reality-based data visualization knowledge interface